Essential Keratin

Lisciante brasiliano per capelli afro, liscia i capelli ricci-crespi fino al 100%.  Riparatore idratante e nutriente, Essential Keratin dona ai capelli una finitura ultra liscia, con risultati di lunga durata, e offrirà il controllo dell'effetto crespo, anche in climi umidi ! Grazie alla sua formula arricchita con olio di Macadamia e Cheratina, Essential Keratin lisciante brasiliano per guaine per capelli afro, rinforza, stimola la crescita dei capelli e ne arresta la rottura.  Grazie al suo processo termico, il lisciante Essential Keratin offre nutrizione e idratazione intense.

Pre-Treatment Shampoo 1000ml Essential Keratin
Essential Keratin Shampoo Pre-treatment
Clarifying shampoo based on Aloe Vera and Macadamia oil, it cleans thoroughly, removes all accumulations of residues (lacquer, styling products, pollution...).  This clarifying shampoo deoxidizes, opens the scales of your hair to optimize the penetration of Keratin and thus prepares the hair to receive the straightening treatment.
15,38 €
Keratin Treatment afro hair Step 2 - 1000ml Essential Keratin
Trattamento alla cheratina per capelli crespi, Fase 2 della stiratura brasiliana alla cheratina essenziale liscia i capelli crespi al 100%, afros con il doppio della potenza in meno tempo.  Essential Keratin Treatment ripara e arresta la rottura, facilita lo styling e riduce il tempo di spazzolatura, elimina le doppie punte per capelli elastici, lucenti, setosi e visibilmente ringiovaniti.  Progettato per capelli molto ricci, crespi, crespi (afro), Essential Keratin Brazilian Straightening riduce il volume, controlla l'effetto crespo anche con tempo umido e dona capelli ultra lisci con risultati duraturi !
179,48 €
Essential Keratin kit 1000ml
Essential Keratin - Trattamento alla Cheratina
Stiratura brasiliana formulata con Cheratina, Aloe Vera e olio di Macadamia per riparare i capelli alla corteccia e lisciarli per un periodo da 3 a 5 mesi. Facilita lo styling e riduce i tempi di asciugatura, arresta la caduta dei capelli e fa scomparire le doppie punte per capelli elastici, lucenti, setosi e visibilmente ringiovaniti ! Progettato per capelli molto ricci, crespi, crespi (afro), Essential Keratin riduce il volume, controlla l'effetto crespo anche in condizioni climatiche umide e offre capelli ultra lisci con risultati di lunga durata.
194,86 €
Pre-treatment Shampoo 500ml Essential Keratin
Essential Keratin Pre-treatment Shampoo
is a clarifying shampoo based on Aloe vera and Macadamia oil.  It cleans thoroughly, removes all accumulations of residues (lacquer, styling products, pollution).  The clarifying shampoo, deoxidizes, opens the scales of your hair to optimize the penetration of Keratin and thus prepares the hair to receive the treatment.
7,76 €
Keratin Treatment Afro Hair 2nd step 500ml - Essential Keratin
Essential Keratin - Keratin Treatment
è un lisciante brasiliano formulato con cheratina, aloe vera e olio di macadamia per riparare i capelli fino alla corteccia e lisciare i capelli per 3-5 mesi. Facilita lo styling e riduce il tempo di spazzolatura, arresta la caduta dei capelli, fa scomparire le doppie punte per capelli elastici, lucenti, setosi e visibilmente ringiovaniti.  Progettato per capelli molto ricci, crespi, crespi (afro), Essential Keratin riduce il volume, controlla l'effetto crespo anche in condizioni climatiche umide e offre capelli ultra lisci con risultati duraturi.  La lisciatura brasiliana alla cheratina essenziale rivitalizza i capelli grazie al suo processo termico rendendoli più morbidi, lucenti, lisci e lisci !
91,53 €
Essential Keratin - Brazilian Keratin Treatment 500ml KIT
Essential Keratin Brazilian Smoothing Kit
Formulated with Keratin, Aloe Vera and Macadamia oil to repair the hair to the cortex, giving suppleness and shine.  Designed for very curly, kinky, frizzy hair, the Brazilian Keratin Essential Smoothing reduces volume, controls frizz and gives ultra-smooth hair lasting results !
99,29 €
Brazilian Keratin Treatment Afro Hair Essential Keratin 150ml KIT
Essential Keratin  
is a Brazilian Keratin Treatment formulated with Keratin, Aloes Vera and Macadamia oil to repair the hair to the cortex and smooth them for a 3-5 months durability.  Conceived for very curly, frizzy, kinky (Afro) hair, it brings them shine, supple and smooth.  Essential Keratin reduces their volume, controls the frizz even by humid weather and provides ultra smooth hair.
62,18 €
Afro Hair smoothing Pack of 3 kits 33.8floz Essential Keratin
Essential Keratin Brazilian Smoothing Kit
is a Brazilian smoothing care formulated with keratin, Aloe Vera and Macadamia oil to repair the hair to the cortex, give flexibility and shine.  Designed for very curly, curly, frizzy hair, Brazilian Keratin Essential Smoothing reduces volume, controls frizz and gives ultra-smooth hair with long-lasting results !
555,59 €
Essential Keratin smoothing kit 500ml + post treatment
Essential Keratin Duo Smoothing Extender
is composed of a sulfate-free shampoo and a Keratin and Silk protein shampoo.  Smoothing extension treatment,  Essential Keratin duo amplifies the effect of smoothing, protects and nourishes the hair.  Rich in 10 oils and keratin, it accentuates the effects of smoothing, the hair is disciplined, shiny, soft and soft.
110,78 €
Smoothing Extender Duo - Essential Keratin (pack of 3)
Essential Keratin Duo Smoothing Extender
is composed of a sulfate-free shampoo and a Keratin and Silk protein shampoo.  Smoothing extension treatment,  Essential Keratin duo amplifies the effect of smoothing, protects and nourishes the hair.  Rich in 10 oils and keratin, it accentuates the effects of smoothing, the hair is disciplined, shiny, soft and soft.
88,46 €
Essential Keratin - Shampoo Prolungante Levigante
Shampoo Prolungante Levigante Essential Keratin - 250mlè uno shampoo senza solfati che deterge delicatamente e nutre i capelli.  Questa formula molto delicata arricchita con Cheratina e proteine ​​della Seta rivitalizza, idrata e districa i capelli.  Essential Keratin Smoothing Extender Shampoo lascia i capelli incredibilmente lucenti e setosi al tatto.  Ideale per prolungare la stiratura brasiliana o per mantenere i capelli asciutti.

17,18 €
Essential Keratin - Balsamo Lisciante 250ml
Balsamo con Cheratina e proteine ​​della Seta che districa istantaneamente e lascia i capelli leggeri e fluidi.  Ripristina i capelli danneggiati e trasforma la superficie della fibra in un materiale regolare e liscio.
Il balsamo lisciante alla cheratina essenziale rinforza i capelli per garantire resistenza e flessibilità.

18,93 €
Essential Keratin - hair smoothing care duo
Essential Keratin Duo Smoothing Extender
is composed of a sulfate-free shampoo and a Keratin and Silk protein shampoo.  Smoothing extension treatment,  Essential Keratin duo amplifies the effect of smoothing, protects and nourishes the hair.  Rich in 10 oils and keratin, it accentuates the effects of smoothing, the hair is disciplined, shiny, soft and soft.
36,39 €
Post Smoothing Shampoo - Essential Keratin (Pack of 3)
Essential Keratin Smooth and Nutrition Shampoo 250ml  
is a post smoothing aftercare sulfate/sodium free shampoo which gently cleanses and nourishes the hair.  A very soft formula enriched with Keratin and Silk proteins to detangle, revitalize and moisturize.  Leave the hair incredibly silky and shining.  Ideal to prolong any keratin treatment or to maintain dry hair.
48,38 €
Smoothing shampoo - Essential Keratin (Pack of 6)
Essential Keratin Smoothing Shampoo
is a sulfate free shampoo that gently cleanses and nourishes the hair.  This very gentle formula is enriched with Keratin and Silk protein to revitalizes moisturize and detangle the hair ! Leaves hair incredibly shiny and silky to the touch.  Ideal for prolonging Brazilian smoothing, or for maintaining dry hair.
92,76 €